What are Kidney Stone and the best kidney stone treatment in Jaipur

Kidney Stone

What is Kidney Stone

A kidney stone is a hard structure made of crystalline mineral material formed within the kidney or urinary tract. Kidney stone is one of the most common causes of blood in urine(hematuria) and often causes severe pain in the abdomen, flank, or groin. Kidney stones are sometimes also known as renal calculi. In medical terms, the condition of having kidney stones is also termed nephrolithiasis. Having stones at any location in the urinary tract is referred to as urolithiasis, and the term ureterolithiasis refers to the stones located in the ureters. His surgical prowess, precision, and consistently outstanding results rank him as one of the renowned Best Urologist in Jaipur.

1 in 20 people develops kidney stones at some point in their life. There are numerous conditions which can result in Kidney stone formation, some of them can beformed when there is a decrease in urine volume or a stone-forming substance starts developing in the urine excessively, and becomes a major risk factor for kidney stone formation.

Do You Want The Best Kidney Stone Treatment In Jaipur?

If you are looking for the best kidney specialists in Jaipur, then Dr. Sandeep Nunia is one of the best Urologist in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Performing several thousands of kidney transplants and other kidney procedures, he sets a benchmark in the healthcare and medical sector. Moreover, he is a remarkable personality with sympathetic nature, which helps his patients to discuss the conditions freely, and his experience is such that he understands the problem in no time and renders the best suitable and affordable solutions to the patients, which results in the best kidney stone treatment in jaipur.

Types of Kidney Stone

Here, are some common types of the kidney stones:

Calcium Oxalate Stones

Calcium Oxalate Stone is one of the most common types of kidney stone. This happens when the urine comprises of high levels of calcium, oxalate or uric acid and low level of citrate. Calcium oxalate stones are related with the foods rich in oxalate, which is a naturally exists in plants and animals. These are the some eatables which include beets, black tea, chocolate, nuts, potatoes, and spinach.

If you frequently develop calcium oxalate stones, your urologist may recommend you further evaluation of your urinary system and metabolism. This will require blood tests and the collection of urine at home for at least one 24-hour period. Your doctor may also recommend you to eliminate some of the eatables from your dietary chart to reduce the likelihood of kidney stones appearing back.

Calcium Phosphate Stones

Calcium phosphate kidney stones are commonly caused due to abnormalities in the way the urinary system functions. Your urologist may conduct a series of blood and urine tests to analyse whether any urinary or kidney related problems could be causing this type of stone, which often occurs concurrently with calcium oxalate stones.

Struvite Stones

This type of stones is more common in women, struvite stones may be caused due to certain types of urinary tract infections. These stones tend to grow faster and become larger with time, sometimes they occupy the entire kidney. If it is left untreated, they can cause frequent and sometimes severe urinary tract infections and also loss of kidney function.

Uric Acid Stones

These types of kidney stone are more common in men, uric acid stones generally happen with those individuals who don’t consume enough water or have a diet high in animal protein. Individuals with  gout, a family history of this type of kidney stone, or in those who’ve had chemotherapy are more likely to develop this kind of condition.

Cystine Stones

Cystinestones cause due to a hereditary genetic disorder called cystinuria that may lead to excessive amounts of the amino acid cystine collecting in the urine. This amino acid cystine can develop the stones in the kidneys, bladder, and ureters, which let out the urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

Kidney Stones Signs and Symptoms

Generally, kidney stones do not show any symptoms until they move into the Ureter. Once these stones enter the Ureter, the following symptoms are seen:

Causes of Kidney Stone

There are various Factors which results in the Risk of Kidney Stones some of them are mentioned below:


You need to pee to dilute the things that have chances to turn into stones. It causes problem when you don’t drink enough water or sweat too much, your pee may look dark. Usually,it should be pale yellow or clear.

If you have had a stone before, your urine should releaseat least equal to 8 cups a day. So keep an aim to consume about 10 cups of water daily, as you will lose some fluids through sweat and breathing. The citrate like lemonade or orange juice can block stones from forming.


What you eat plays a big role in developing or not developing one of these stones.

The most common type of kidney stone forms when calcium and oxalate stick together while kidney generates urine. Oxalate is a chemical which is found in many healthy foods and vegetables. Your urologist may recommend you to limit high-oxalate foods if you are suffering with this type of stone before. Some of the eatables examples include:

1. Spinach

2. Rhubarb

3. Grits

4. Bran cereal

You must have heard that drinking milk can result in kidney stones. But, that’s not true. If you eat or drink calcium-rich foods (like milk and cheese) and foods consist of oxalate at the same time, it helps your body to handle the oxalate better. That’s because oxalate and calcium tend to bind in the gut instead of in the kidneys, where a stone forms.


The table salt can raise your chances of getting several types of kidney stones. So beware of salty snacks, canned foods, packaged meats, and other processed foods.


Some kind of kidney stone areformed when your pee is too acidic. Red meat and shellfish may make uric acid in your body increase, which can collect in the joints and go to your kidneys and form a stone. More importantly, animal protein raises your urine’s calcium level and lowers the amount of citrate, both of which encourage stones.


The chances of getting kidney stone is twice if you are obese. That means when your BMI (body mass index) is 30 or above. In very few cases gastric bypass surgery may cause kidney stones, but it happens rarely.

Other medical conditions which may cause kidney stones are as follows

Certain genetic diseases

 Type of Diabetes

1. Gout

2. Hyperparathyroidism

3. Renal Tubular Acidosis

Treatment of kidney stone

Kidney Stone severity depends upon the size, exact location, consistency of stone, and patient condition. It starts from medical therapy to surgery. Stone size is the utmost crucial factor in determining the modality.

Surgery is done to prevent the kidney functioning from damaging and prevent the incidence of a disease. However, if you live in Jaipur and want the best kidney stone treatment in Jaipur, contact Dr.Sandeep Nunia, the best Urologist in Jaipur.

Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS) for Kidney Stone

It is the flexible ureteroscopesthat has allowed intraureteral and renal lithotripsy regardless of the size and location of stone. Ureterorenoscopy using flexible ureteroscope is known as Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery (RIRS). It is easily useable for stones located anywhere or near in the tract. It is especially used for those patients where ESWL cannot be performed (bleeding disorders; obesity) or has failed. With the flexible scopes, upper collecting system can be envisioned by the surgeon.

Its is anon- incision surgery on the body, short hospital stay &faster recovery. This procedure might be little expensive as the equipment is costly, even doctors are gone through training.

This minimally invasive urology procedure is generally used for difficult cases, such as

Ureterorenoscopic (URS) Lithotripsy with Holmium Laser Treatment for Kidney Stone

In those cases when the stone is stuck within the bladder or Ureter, doctors or urologists use a device called Ureteroscopefor removal. It is a non-invasive i.e no cuts method as there is no incision needed. It’s a small wire with a snapper integrated, which is inserted in the Urethra and moved within the bladder. A laser like fiber is used to transfer the Holmium energy that breaks the kidney stone and the surgeon removes the broken pieces through urethra. Some Smaller pieces passes through urination.  Sometimes, doctors insert a tube between urethra and kidney toimprove healing and easy passingof kidney stones.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) for Kidney Stone

Lithotripsy can be understood as the extracorporeal shock waves (electromagnetic), which are the sound waves, mostly used for breaking down the bigger size stones, making these smoothly pass into the bladder. It’s a complex process and often requires anesthesia. The person may feel strain around abdomen region and back. There may be chances of bleeding around the kidney regions as well.

Percutaneous Nephrostolithotomy (PCNL) Procedure for Kidney Stone

This method involves the removal of a stone through a tiny incision in the concerned person’s back. These methods are recommended when:

 1. The stone leads to hindrance causing infection or damages within the kidney.

 2. When the stone is too big to pass smoothly A person suffers from extreme pain.


If you are looking for the best kidney doctor in Jaipur then look no further, then you should consult the Best Urologist In Jaipur. Dr Sandeep Nunia is the most reputed Urology doctor in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the best Urologist in Jaipur for treating ailments such as Laparoscopic treatment, Female Urology, Sexology treatment, Uro Oncology, and Kidney stone treatment.

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