Chronic Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms, And Treatment

Chronic Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): Causes, Diagnosis, Symptoms, And Treatment

Chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) are infections of the urinary tract. During a chronic urinary tract infection (UTI), the infection does not respond to treatment or keeps recurring. An infection of the urinary system occurs when one of the kidneys, your bladder, the ureters, or the urethra becomes infected. Chronic Urinary Tract Infection can affect your urinary tract again even if you get the treatment. Chronic urinary tract infection is a frustrating and painful disorder. Women have an increased risk of getting a chronic urinary tract infection

Causes of Chronic Urinary TractCauses of Chronic Urinary Tract

The following are some of the reasons that cause chronic urinary tract infection.

  • Bacteria from the rectum & vagina – any bacteria from the rectum and vagina can infect the urinary tract and cause chronic UTIBladder or kidney stones are- the bladder & kidney stone can harm your kidneys and may also lead to chronic UTIGenetic predisposition- genetic predisposition can also be the reason for the cause of chronic UTI in you. if any family member is suffering from chronic UTI, you are also at risk of chronic UTI increasesUrinary tract problems- If you are suffering from any other urinary tract problems then you are at higher risk of chronic urinary tract infection. 
  • Symptoms of Chronic Urinary Tract InfectionThe following are the symptoms of Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Cloudy urine – if your urine appears cloudy then you might have the symptoms of chronic urinary tract infection Burning sensation when urinating- if you feel a burning sensation when you urinate that means you are having symptoms of chronic urinary tract infectionRectal pain in men- Rectal pain in men is also a form of symptoms of chronic urinary tract infection in menFever or chills- if you suffer from fever and chills then you might be having the symptoms of chronic urinary tract infection. Although fever is the symptom of many other diseases so consult your doctor for confirmation Urge to urinate frequently- If you need to urinate frequently then it means you are having symptoms of chronic urinary tract infection. Red, bright pink, or cola-colored urine- if your urine appears red, bright pink, or cola-colored then it is the sign of chronic urinary tract infection Blood in urine- the blood spots in the urine is a symptom of chronic urinary tract infection. Pain in the pelvis- pain around the area of the pubic bone (pelvis) in women is the symptom of chronic urinary tract infection in women. Nausea- nausea is also the symptom of chronic UTIsVomiting- you may suffer vomiting if developing a chronic urinary tract infection. Strong smell in urine- a common symptom of chronic urinary tract infection is that if you pass strong smelly urine. Pain in the lower back- if you suffer from the pain in the lower back then it might be the symptoms of chronic urinary tract infection
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of chronic UTIThe following are the test and procedures used to diagnose the chronic urinary tract infection (UTI)
  • Analyzing a urine sample- a urine test is done to look at white blood cells, red blood cells, or bacteria in your urine.Growing urinary tract bacteria in a lab- this process is done to see which medication will be most effective for you to treat UTI.Diagnosis of chronic UTI may take place with the help of ultrasound, (computerized tomography) CT scan, or MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging). Cystoscopy- if you are having recurrent UTIs, your urologist may perform a cystoscopy to diagnose the root cause.
  • Treatment For Chronic Urinary Tract InfectionThe following are the treatments that can be offered to treat chronic urinary tract infectionMedication for Chronic UTI

    Treatment of urinary tract infection depends on the cause but your urologist may give you some effective antibiotics to treat UTI.Chronic Urinary Tract Infection can be treated by antibiotics, your urologist will suggest you the antibiotics as per the condition. In the primary treatment of urinary tract infection, your doctor suggests you take an antibiotic for one week. But in a chronic urinary tract infection, you have to take a full course for a long period. Antibiotics help to prevent symptoms of chronic urinary tract infections from recurring.Your doctor may suggest you the following antibiotics

  • CiprofloxacinNitrofurantoinAmoxicillin/augmentinCephalexin (Keflex)
  • Vaginal estrogen therapy is given to patients who are suffering from chronic urinary tract infection with menopause.Natural remedies of Chronic UTIAlong with the medication, natural remedies can also help to cure chronic urinary tract infections. The following are the tips to cure chronic UTIs
  • Drink cranberry juice.Take proper rest.Drink plenty of water as it helps in diluting urine and flush out bacteria present in your urinary tract.Wipe from front to back after urinating and bowel movement.Apply a heating pad on your bladder as it gives you relief from pain.
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