What is Urethroplasty surgery?

What is Urethroplasty surgery?

Urethroplasty is a process of fixing scar tissue in the channel of urine from the bladder out of the penis. The urethra has been restricted by scar tissue and spongiofibrosis, and urethroplasty is an open surgical repair or replacement of the urethra (urethral stricture). The gold standard for urethral reconstruction, with the greatest and most long-lasting outcomes, is urethroplasty.

How Urethroplasty surgery is carried out?

The surgeon may begin the surgery by creating an incision over the stricture area in the scrotum, penis, or perineum. Exactly what needs to be done after making the incision depends on the exact reason the patient is undergoing urethroplasty.

Once the surgery is complete, any incisions that were made are closed, usually with stitches. A catheter is then inserted into the urethra. How long it has to remain in place depends on the procedure that is done and its overall extent.

What causes scar tissue to grow in the urinary tract?

Prior injuries, prior operations such as catheter implantation, prior surgery, or even sexually-transmitted illnesses are all possible reasons. Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans (BXO) is a type of scar development that can affect a substantial area of the penis both inside and out.

Get rid of scar tissue and recovery at once

The recovery period will be determined by the surgical technique chosen. Patients usually spend at least one night in the hospital. They are normally discharged after they can walk, eat, and care for their catheter. Patients should avoid intense activities and heavy lifting for at least two weeks. They may also be required to take time off from work. Patients are urged not to return to work until the catheter has been withdrawn. They should dress in such a way that the catheter is not obstructed. Shorts or loose-fitting pants are good options.

In general, the operation has a good success rate. If the strictures persist, symptoms only appear in around half of the patients. Despite the fact that problems are uncommon, patients should be informed of what they are and how to recognize them. They may include the following:

  • Excess bleeding
  • Infection
  • Sensation loss
  • Retention of urine
  • Spraying Urine
  • Hematoma

Does urethroplasty cause trouble in sex?

In general, sex problems are unlikely to arise as a result of this procedure. In addition to the urinary channel obstruction, some individuals may experience erection problems. Your doctor can help you with both of these issues.

Does urethroplasty leave a scar on the penis?

The abdomen, the area between the scrotum and the anus, is where most urethroplasty surgeries are performed. When the penile skin is utilized in surgery, a cut on the penis may be required. Scar tissue on the exterior of the penis seldom forms with proper care and surgery.

Care to be taken after urethroplasty surgery

In the majority of instances, the strictures reappear one to two years after the procedure. As a result, within the first year after the treatment, doctors often wish to see their patients every three to six months. Based on how the operation went and what was noticed during the initial follow-up session, the precise follow-up schedule will be decided.

Patients usually get a cystoscopy at their initial follow-up session. This allows the clinician to examine the urethra more thoroughly to check for recurring strictures. In most cases, doctors will also take measurements of leftover urine and urinary flow rate.

Why choose Dr. Sandeep Nunia?

Dr. Sandeep Nunia is among the best urologists in Jaipur. He provides the best care to his patients. He has experience of 8+ years which makes him the best urologist. He is currently working at EHCC (Eternal Hospital). Dr. Sandeep Nunia provides guidance to patients to be taken care of after surgery.

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